
Norman Silverstone norman at
Thu Jun 30 15:18:09 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 16:29 +0200, Michaël Van Dorpe wrote:
> Norman Silverstone wrote:
> > In the old days I
> > had a camera which used film and a darkroom with an enlarger, chemicals
> > and various pieces of processing equipment.
> and:
> > Gimp which is far too complicated. 
> For me, Gimp sure is a lot less complicated than film, darkrooms, 
> enlargers, chemicals and 'various pieces of processing equipment!
> There is this guide: and also, there are the 
> help pages that come with the GIMP and which are quite helpful.
> Michaël

I have looked fairly long and fairly hard but no where can I find any
references to printing. Lots and lots on how to use Gimp to change and
modify your pictures but nothing on how to put them on paper.


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