Missing all file types **solved**

Pedro Gauna lapega at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 12:22:52 UTC 2005

It works, even without restart Gnome!!!

$ dpgk-reconfigure gnome-mime-data
$ dpgk-reconfigure mime-support
$ dpgk-reconfigure shared-mime-info
$ dpgk-reconfigure libgmime0
$ dpgk-reconfigure libgmime1

Thx, a lot!

S. Donig wrote:

>Am Mittwoch, den 29.06.2005, 18:14 -0300 schrieb Pedro Gauna:
>> I'm new to the list (I came from ubuntu-es, they can't help me)
>>I have Hoary, working fine, but I have a problem very hard to resolve. I 
>>lost the gnome's file types. 
>Hmm. Maybe one of the following packages is broken or missing:
>libgmime[some number] (I use breezy, hence I honestly don't remember
>which version is on hoary...)
>So, the best way to check this via a graphical user-interface is to fire
>up synaptic, search for 'mime', right-click on the packages and mark
>them for a re-installation. (Sorry, can't tell you the exact commands in
>English, as I'm sitting on a German workstation right now).
>Well, you could also open a console, and do:
>'dpkg --configure your-package-name' there. That's a little faster. ;)
>>When open nautilus and navigate to a 
>>folder, ie: with images (png,gif,jpg,etc...) nautilus put in file type: 
>>program and don't show the thumbnail, and when i double-click the file, 
>>its tell me can't open the file
>Well, as above, I assume, no other idea.
>>It happens with all kind of files (.avi,openoffice,tar.gz,etc)
>>If I open the file properties and select "Custom icon", open a window 
>>(usually full of icons) empty!, no icons!
>Did you check that they are physically there? They should be
>in /usr/share/pixmaps (and /usr/share/icons). Make also sure, that you
>haven't changed the user's rights to read these folders...
>>Some help?
>>Thanx in advance, and don't laugth a lot about my bad english...

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