Printing to .pdf

toyfactory toyfactory at
Thu Jun 30 02:03:02 UTC 2005

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 01:30:41 +0800, "Steve Torrefranca"
<javacide at> said:
> even if you dont have the entire kubuntu-desktop, you can just install
> kprinter from ubuntu-desktop or whatever win manager you have (i use
> xfce4 and i have kprinter).

Cheers, I'll try it sometime.  I still don't know why the .ps files
produced by FireFox won't convert properly to .pdf though, even Acrobat
Distiller mangles them.

> BTW i was playing with openoffice.org2 and it has export to pdf, not
> sure if openoffice.org1 has it though

Yes it does, and it works fine.  But I do find printing to file from OO
and then using ps2pdf produces a smaller file than exporting directly
from OO.  Strange.


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