for everyone whose sick of sudo read this

Stephen Ward s.ward at
Wed Jun 29 22:33:48 UTC 2005

Yes that is true, unfortunately as was proved in this case, should != do
Stephen R Laniel wrote:

>On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 08:38:30AM +1200, Stephen Ward wrote:
>>I will put my 2c in though.  I do have a root account set up on my
>>boxes, of course I never use it but it is a good last resort eg.  I had
>>a user edit /etc/sudoers and broke it.  sudo wouldn't work.  It was a
>>production machine so recovery mode was not ideal - the root password
>>was a life saver.  But using it for everyday stuff, especially running
>>gnome as root is a very very bad idea.
>Not really related to your point, and probably something you
>already know: people shouldn't be editing /etc/sudoers
>through an ordinary text editor anyway. They ought to be
>using the 'visudo' command, which blocks the more egregious
>syntax errors.

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