[Correction] Re: Making Money With Linux (Was: Help on Ubuntu advocacy)

Sean Gibbins sean at funkygibbins.me.uk
Sun Jun 26 07:46:53 UTC 2005

Sean Gibbins wrote:

> Check out the last verse of this song if you have the time; I believe 
> it is relevant to my point:
> http://www.allspirit.co.uk/rain.html
> FWIW it was penned and performed by a band that did very well out of 
> making all their live performances available for free and charging out 
> for other apsects of their work. I'm pretty certain that Messrs Garcia 
> & Hunter would approve of Linux as concept, and Ubuntu as a specific 
> implementation.

Sorry, doing Phil a disservice there: should have read Messrs Hunter and 
Lesh (above). In mitigation Garcia & Hunter go together like Jagger & 
Richards and Lennon &  McCartney.



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