Sean C Sieger sean.sieger at
Sat Jun 25 22:03:34 UTC 2005

"ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY" <zamb at> writes:

> On Sat, 2005-06-25 at 13:58 -0400, Sean C Sieger wrote: 
>> I read texinfo files using emacs. My issue is that is
>> not in /usr/share/info/dir.
>> How do I add to the file dir?
>> -- Sean
> sudo install-info \
>   --infodir=/usr/share/info \
>   /usr/share/info/
> But may I ask “Why is not in your ‘/usr/share/info/dir’?”

Sure. Thanks for asking, it _is_ in /usr/share/info ; it was _not_, as an
entry, in the _file_ dir in that same directory (info/) I put it in
there by hand.

Would doing what you have shown me inserted the appropriate text in 'dir'?

> By default it should be included.  To fix this (another and better way
> is to) re-install the package “coreutil”.

coreutils. Yes, this was a temptation, however, I wasn't sure if it was a
safe operation considering it was 'just' a documentation issue.

Thank you, Ziyad.

-- Sean

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