problems configuring apache 1.3

David Feldman mailing-lists at
Sat Jun 25 16:16:36 UTC 2005

I've installed the SSL-enabled version of Apache 1.3 and am having a  
difficult time configuring it. I'll admit up front that while I have  
some experience with this it's limited. It works, but if I use webmin  
to try and configure SSL on a per-directory basis it breaks  
httpd.conf by adding directives it doesn't recognize. I can connect  
using SSL from a browser, but can find no SSL-related directives in  
httpd.conf that I could edit manually. Then I changed DocumentRoot   
and the associated Directory manually in /etc/apache/httpd.conf and  
did an "apachectl graceful" restart of the server, and it didn't  
change anything - it's still showing me index.html in /var/www.

Any idea what's going on?


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