Mac OS X v. Linux (Was: Re: Ubuntu Boot Up Logo)

Ante Karamatić ivoks at
Sat Jun 25 08:46:56 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-06-25 at 18:10 +1000, Robert Valk wrote:

> As a widely GUI-ed user, I can say that working on OS X is by and  
> large the most comfortable way to use a computer as a tool, as  
> opposed to dealing with the machine underneath. Apple should use the  
> GNOME file dialog though - the 2.10 one is incredible!

While standalone, Mac OS X is great. When you put it in hetergoenus
netowrk it's worse than Windows. CUPS is broken, Samba is broken, OSX
can't live on WiFi networks (it drops connection when it's idle, leaving
open SMB sessions that lock files on servers), etc.

To put it in one sentence: OSX is nice when it's alone.

Ante Karamatic|--|ivoks(@)|--|PGP: D3BDA225|--|ICQ: 64631782
May, 15. <herve> we're fixing the universe, it's not an easy duty!
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