Ubuntu IRC Channels
Dennis Kaarsemaker
dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Fri Jun 24 14:45:22 UTC 2005
On vr, 2005-06-24 at 10:18 -0400, Sean C Sieger wrote:
> Is there a complete listing of Ubuntu IRC channels
Official channels:
#ubuntu - Ubuntu help channel
#kubuntu - Kubuntu help channel
#ubuntu-devel - Ubuntu development coordination
#kubuntu-devel - Kububtu development coordination
#ubuntu-doc - Ubuntu documentation team coordination
#ubuntu-hardened - Discussions on the Ubuntu hardened project
#ubuntu-java - Ubuntu java development coordination
#ubuntu-kernel - Ubuntu kernel team coordination
#ubuntu-love - About getting involved with Ubuntu
#ubuntu-meeting - All meetings are held here
#ubuntu-motu - Coordination of the Ubuntu MOTU team
#ubuntu-toolchain - Coordination of the Ubuntu toolchain team
Various localized channels, at this moment:
#ubuntu-br (Brazil)
#ubuntu-ca (Canada)
#ubuntu-de (Germany)
#ubuntu-es (Spain)
#ubuntu-fi (Finland)
#ubuntu-fr (France)
#ubuntu-it (Italy
#ubuntu-nl (The Netherlands)
#ubuntu-no (Norway)
#ubuntu-pt (Portugal)
#ubuntu-ru (Russia)
#ubuntu-tw (Taiwan)
#ubuntu-zh (Chinese)
#ubuntu.se (Sweden)
#ubuntumexico (Mexico)
Unofficial channels:
#ubuntuforums - The Ubuntu forums team
#ubuntuusers - The German Ubunto forums team
#ubuntuusers-devel - The German Ubunto forums team
Dennis K.
- Linux for human beings: http://www.ubuntulinux.org
- Linux voor normale mensen: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl
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