Best filesystem for an external/portable harddrive?

Matthew S-H mathbymath at
Thu Jun 23 19:58:15 UTC 2005

On Jun 22, 2005, at 1:11 PM, James Wilkinson wrote:
> Of course, any Unix-like filesystem has the concept of numerical "user
> IDs" built right into it. Each file and directory has two numbers,
> representing the user and the group. On a different install, either
> you'll have different users "owning" the files, or there won't be a  
> user
> or group corresponding to the number (Fedora, for example, starts
> numbers at 500, while Ubuntu starts them at 1000).
> It's probably a lot easier, for removable disks that have to be
> understood on random Linux installs, to use Fat32.
> Of course, there's no guarantee that Linux installs will understand
> Fat32 or resierfs, especially if anyone's been compiling their own
> kernels...

You could also just set a umask that makes all files have rwxrwxrwx.

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