belkin f5d7010 & kismet

Jewel ejewel at
Thu Jun 23 03:58:42 UTC 2005

On 6/22/05, Aamir Maori <aamir at> wrote:
> I've gotten my belkin f5d7010 working wonderfully under Ubuntu using
> ndiswrapper and the rt2500 inf.
Good work.  It would be awesome if this could be somehow automated in
breezy or breezy+1 (maybe it should be called Auntie Anteater.)  It
would be a whole lot of work, though.

> When I run kismet I noticed that it is not enabling the monitor mode. I
> believe that this is a broadcom based chipset. I've done some googling and
> searched the forum but could not find out if this card supports this mode
> or not. Any help with this is appreciated.
> If this mode is not supported by this card, which card would you guys
> recommend?kismet supported cards

IIRC, using a wireless card through ndiswrapper will not work with
kismet.  It doesn't necessarily mean that your card doesn't support
monitor mode though.  If you were stuck with that card, I think your
best bet would be to politely petition broadcom for linux support  or
put up a bounty for someone to reverse engineer the card.  Maybe we
can start up a collection for these types of bounties, because it
seems like 80% of the cards out there has the same broadcom chipset.

Of course, it would be much cheaper just to buy a card that works. 
I've used kismet with my atheros card, but I bought it knowing that it
had linux support and not knowing that it has evil binary drivers.  If
I were to buy a new mini-PCI card for my laptop, I would buy an Intel
2200.  It's one of the few (if not the only) 802.11g card that has
good vendor support in linux and real gpl'd drivers.  It's supported
as a "capture source" by kismet.



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