laptop - any suggestions for a friend of mine?
Senectus .
senectus at
Wed Jun 22 00:19:30 UTC 2005
On 6/22/05, Shot - Piotr Szotkowski <shot at> wrote:
> Hello.
> hagen van rissenbeck:
> > yesterday I spoke with a friend about laptops and linux and during that
> > conversation, he asked me for a proposal what laptop he should buy.
> Like some of the previous posters, I highly recommend IBM ThinkPad.
> Great Linux support (my R31 has been running Debian sid for two
> years now), exceptional sturdiness and superb general "feel"
> (things like keyboard quality, for example).
> Also, the TrackPoint absolutely rules - I use my laptop on average
> over 12 hours a day and I haven't touched mouse for more than twelve
> hours (combined) in the past year; the TouchPad/GlidePad people
> seem to attach mouses to their laptops the first minute they can. :o)
I too am writing this on an IBM think pad (A31P) and have no
Linux/Ubuntu specific issue's..
In matter of fact It runs Linux more stably than Windows..
Ubuntu Hoary 5.04
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