turn on Num Lock on GNOME startup

word_virus ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Jun 20 08:18:37 UTC 2005

douglas at croydongroup.com.hk Wrote: 
> Hi,


> I have followed the Guide to turn on the Num Lock. It didn't work. Has
> anyone

> had the same experience?


> Douglas



A lot of people have reported here having problems getting numlockx to
work for them.

It worked for me out of the box with my 10 dollar usb keyboard. The
only modification I made was changing the startup script for it to
begin with '16' instead of '15', as there was already something else
that began with that number, and I was worried that might cause a
conflict, but I think that was probably more superstition on my part
than anything else....



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