Samba sharing a FAT32 external HD

Todd Deshane deshantm at
Sun Jun 19 01:31:57 UTC 2005

> Is there a way I can change its contents, recursively down the tree,
> to be rwx for everyone?
chmod -R 777 <dir>

recursively applies rwx  permissions for all users for <dir>


On 6/17/05, Ben Novack <bennovack at> wrote:
> On 6/17/05, Ben Novack <bennovack at> wrote:
> > I've got an external USB2 hard drive formatted as FAT32 that contains,
> > among other things, all of my music; I want the other systems on my
> > network (specifically, a Mac PowerBook) to have unrestricted
> > read/write access to it. Sharing my home directory works fine; the
> > external drive shows up when browsing the network, but neither XP nor
> > the PB can actually view it. Is there a way to get it properly shared
> > without reformatting it into something more Unixy - something I very
> > much want to avoid, since I frequently use it on XP systems?
> >
> > (The HD's plugged into a Hoary desktop, for the record.)
> Something else that just came up as I was investigating a workaround:
> If I copy the library to the shared folder on my hard drive, the Mac
> can't use it as its library folder because it lacks write permissions.

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