Apache2: how to enable on startup?

Vram lamsokvr at xprt.net
Fri Jun 17 21:14:56 UTC 2005

David Marsh wrote:

>Vram wrote in gmane.linux.ubuntu.user 
> about: Re: Apache2: how to enable on startup? 
>>I don't have your old messages but,,,,....
>>I don't have my box here but.  the start script should be in /etc/init.d
>>You can hard start it here..
>>To have it start all the time put it in
>>create a symbolic link to /etc/init.d/apache2
>>Mine is
>>/etc/rc2.s/S91apache2   --> /etc/init.d/apache2
>           ^ = d
>Thanks, that was very helpful to know which files I needed to look at.
>These files/links do exist on my system.
>I see /etc/init.d/apache2 contains the following lines:
> #edit /etc/default/apache2 to change this.
>Sure enough, /etc/default/apache2 contains the line NO_START=1.
>I'll change this and see if it does the trick..
Good trouble shooting on your part..  8^))
Sorry about the wrong directory..

Good luck


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