Apache2: how to enable on startup?

Vram lamsokvr at xprt.net
Fri Jun 17 16:44:41 UTC 2005

David Marsh wrote:

>David Marsh wrote in gmane.linux.ubuntu.user 
> about: Apache2: how to enable on startup? 
>>I installed Apache 2, since that appears to be the new world order, and
>>after getting over the initial shock, was actually pleasantly surprised
>>at how much simpler the new 'sites-available' structure works..
>>However, Apache 2 doesn't start automatically on boot up.
>>What's the Correct[TM] Ubuntu way to make it do that?
>Thanks to everybody for their suggestions, but none of the suggestions
>made seem to have made any difference: I still have to start Apache2 
>by hand after the system has booted, as it resolutely seems to refuse to
>start automatically..
>It looks like I may need to do some hacking by hand.
>I don't know how the startup directories work, so if anybody could tell
>me where I should be looking, what I should be looking for, and what I
>need to change, I'd be very grateful.

I don't have your old messages but,,,,....

I don't have my box here but.  the start script should be in /etc/init.d

You can hard start it here..

To have it start all the time put it in


create a symbolic link to /etc/init.d/apache2

Mine is

/etc/rc2.s/S91apache2   --> /etc/init.d/apache2

Need to kill it on shut down


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