"My first 48 hours enduring Ubuntu"

Sebastian Bassi sbassi at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 23:33:12 UTC 2005

On 6/14/05, Troy Davidson <clandaith at gmail.com> wrote:
> That is an impressive read.  I do think some of the complaints are
> silly since they aren't Ubuntus problems, but the designers of the
> various software.  Ubuntu can't go to the Gaim developers and tell
> them how to design their interface.  Nor, can Gaim tell Ubuntu what to
> do.

You are right, it is not Ubuntu fault, but end users don't care about
it. For most of them, it is all "Linux". If you bundle an app. with
the OS, this app. becomes part of the OS (at least from the end user
perspective). Windows users knows that a random app. downloaded from
the net has an inconsistent GUI, it is not MS fault. But if the bad
written app. is the "Calculator" or any app. that comes bundled with
Windows, they will associate it with the Windows OS. Same with Linux.

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