Hoary & Kylix

joele ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Jun 16 07:11:27 UTC 2005

Thanks for that I will give it a go, in the interim I actually installed
Delphi 2005 under Vmware and have been using that as I seem to have a
decent track record getting my apps working under wine. Writing apps in
Kylix would be nice but Borland have not provided updates in either of
the last two versions on Delphi (I got Kylix 3 with my Delphi 7
studio), and say they do not support kernel 2.6.x distributions, so I
think maybe Kylix is dead???? at least for the time being! :(

lvincent Wrote: 
> joele,


> you have to download kylix patches.. you can go to google and
> search for 'kylix patches' or 'kylix unofficial patches'..



> lvincent


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