freezing problems

Matt Patterson matt at
Tue Jun 14 19:17:13 UTC 2005

Generally hard freezes are hardware issues related to interrupt 
problems. So I would look into disabling devices like network and sound 
and see if the problem continues. Also, of course try the acpi=off, 
noapic, nolapic options for the kernel.

And just so you know, I used my AGP + PCI video setup for years in 
windows, but it crashed linux like nobodies business. It was the pci 
video card.


lee_connell wrote:

>No i think someone in the postings got confused.  I have ati mobility
>and i am installing ati fglrx drivers and same issue happens with xorg
>ati driver.  tried uncommenting dri, glx, noaccel and still happened. 
>I am not sure how to tell if its even video causing the issue.  really
>sucks, i dont know where to look or how to debug the problem.

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