Trouble running Amavis

Carlos A. Carnero Delgado carloscarnero at
Tue Jun 14 15:29:20 UTC 2005


I'm trying to set up a "standard" antispam/antivirus mail gateway for
home; using Postfix, Amavis-new, SpamAssassin and F-Prot. After
reading all the directions from amavis, I came to the testing stage
and I got this error logged:

    TROUBLE in check_mail: decoding2-get-file-types FAILED:
    Insecure directory in $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch
    at /usr/sbin/amavisd-new line 1146.

I checked all the directories in $PATH, but saw nothing that jumped to
me. What could be the culprit here?

Best regards,

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