apt-proxy Sarge and Ubuntu at the same time?

Chris Halls chris.halls at credativ.co.uk
Tue Jun 14 12:04:27 UTC 2005

[Seems my mail didn't get through first time, resending]

On Friday 10 Jun 2005 23:36, Bengt Thuree wrote:
> Now, they have released apt-proxy V2, and I do not know how to enable
> two processes running and listening on two different ports at the same
> time. 

You really don't need two processes for ubuntu and debian repositories, 
separate backends are all you need.

> I have not found anyway to launch apt-proxyV2 with a specific 
> configuration file.

That isn't possible in the current release; I'm just in the process of adding 
support for the next version, although I wouldn't recommend you use it for 
this problem.

> Does anyone else use Apt-proxy, and in particular with both Debian and
> Ubuntu. How have you solved it?

The latest apt-proxy in both debian and ubuntu has all you need in the default 
configuration file!  There are two backends defined:

backends = http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian

backends = http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

and your client sources.list files look like this:

on debian:
  deb http://aptproxy:9999/debian stable main

on ubuntu:
  deb http://aptproxy:9999/ubuntu hoary main


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