GRUB hangs with Windows 2000

Carl Karsten carl at
Mon Jun 13 01:00:42 UTC 2005

Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've installed Hoary 5.04 with the machine which has Windows 2000
> already. After successful installation, I tried to boot Windows 2000
> but it hung.

What is the last thing that was printed/seen on the screen?

> The menu.lst file for the Windows 2000 part is as follows:
> title           Windows NT/2000/XP
> root            (hd0,0)
> makeactive
> chainloader     +1

That is what mine looks like too.

Was there a free partition before you started the Ubuntu install, or did you 
resize the windows partition to make room?

Carl K

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