Is it possible to run freemind on PPC?

Rainer Gutkas Rainer.Gutkas at
Sun Jun 12 18:46:03 UTC 2005

Hi there!

What I wanna know if it is possible to run freemind on Hoary PPC. What 
I've tried so far is install it from the repository, which doesn't work 
because synaptic says that the package is empty, so there's nothing to 
Then I downloaded freemind deb package and tried to install it, but 
there are the Java packages missing. So I downloaded IBM Java following 
the wiki on this topic and installed it. But when I still got the 
missing dependencies and if I try to run freemind it says it can't find 
a virtual maschine. I guessed it was installed along with IBM-Java....

Any suggestions,

Thanks Rainer
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