Remote desktop solution

narnian99 ulist at
Thu Jun 9 01:51:21 UTC 2005

Dennis Kaarsemaker Wrote: 
> On wo, 2005-06-08 at 08:16 +1000, James Gray wrote:


> That's a no-go, if you want scools to use a system, they must not have

> to install/configure a big piece of software. They simply don't want
> to

> or cannot do this. 



If that is a big issue, VNC allows direct connection from a web
browser, using a 1MB or so downloaded Java applet. (You have to
configure the VNC server to allow it - you then point browser to
http://ubuntu-server:5801 )

You can also configure to VNC to spawn new sessions using inetd (jdub
has written a tutorial to this as well)


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