Ubuntu Newbies Project (UNP)

Martin Meredith martin at sourceguru.net
Wed Jun 8 12:00:43 UTC 2005

Well, the plan is to hopeffully become a pseudo-official group,
recognised by the ubuntu community. there may be a lot of current people
out there with BBs dedicated to ubuntu n00bs etc etc, but... to be fair,
our aim isnt really to become recognised  - though it weill helpus, It's
to go out there and help the n00bs.

There needs to be some sort of "team" that can help the n00bs out with
answers. I've seen so many people either just ignore n00b questions
because they dont see n00bs as "important" enough,. or just providing
incorrect/ambiguous information.

I believe that there should be a team that aim to help n00bs
specifically rather than just a bunch of people.

Having a team means that we can organise ourselves, say for example, we
have a team dedicated to support. If we share the information we know
(for example by having an online repository of questions asked and
answers to them) then we can make sure that the n00bs get better help.

Also - I'm going to be looking at putting hte project through the
Community Council and making it pseudo-officla, so it's recognised, and
we can use resources such as the Wiki (which I plan to use anyway) to
get the information out there to n00bs.

There are a couple of other things I plan, for example, bi-weekly
"tutorial" sessions on the most frequesntly asked "how do i do this"
thing... via IRC...

Michael Nowag wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 02:04:21 +0200, Martin Meredith 
> <martin at sourceguru.net> wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> I'm looking to start a new "Project" to help out the Ubuntu Newbie
>> community.
>> We're looking for people who are interested in committing a minimum of
>> 10 hours per week to helping new users (via IRC/the forums/this mailing
>> list), and aso people who are interested in "leading" the project.
>> If you're interested in participating, please contact me via email...
>> martin at sourceguru.net
> I would like to help, too :) [hope me speaking German as my native 
> language doesn't disqualify me]. Would you mind explaining what exactly 
> you have in mind for this project? There are already quiet a lot BBS, 
> howtos, tutorials for ubuntu newbies around.

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