Ubuntu Newbies Project (UNP)

Michael Nowag nub.wiki at web.de
Wed Jun 8 10:07:29 UTC 2005

On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 02:04:21 +0200, Martin Meredith  
<martin at sourceguru.net> wrote:

> Hi there.
> I'm looking to start a new "Project" to help out the Ubuntu Newbie
> community.
> We're looking for people who are interested in committing a minimum of
> 10 hours per week to helping new users (via IRC/the forums/this mailing
> list), and aso people who are interested in "leading" the project.
> If you're interested in participating, please contact me via email...
> martin at sourceguru.net

I would like to help, too :) [hope me speaking German as my native  
language doesn't disqualify me]. Would you mind explaining what exactly  
you have in mind for this project? There are already quiet a lot BBS,  
howtos, tutorials for ubuntu newbies around.


Michael Nowag

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