OO2 Base Error: "The connection to the data source ...

Paul M. Bucalo ubuntuser at pmbservices.com
Tue Jun 7 13:48:57 UTC 2005

I have OO2 installed ( on Hoary, but can't get a new database
created that works. Some research on OO's forums hasn't defined this
error as I feel it applies to my situation. 

Here's the complete error message:

The connection to the data source "file:///home/../TEST.odb" could not
be established.

The file has been created, registered within OO, certainly exists where
I put it. When I try to use the Tables Wizard to create tables, it gives
me this error. I get the same error when I try to use the Forms
Designer, though after closing down the error message it does put me
into Writer to design the form.

My suspicion is that I am missing an ODBC-related support file in
Ubuntu. I do *not* have any SQL engine running, and wish to purposely
create dBASE-compatible output from OO2 Base. I cannot see in Options
where I can predetermine what format to create a new database in, the
default is always ODBC/HSQL.

Anyone have this problem and found the solution? Greatly appreciate any
experience with this problem or advice on how to go about dealing with


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