One more time with the firewire question...

Martin Holt Juliussen mjuliuss at
Mon Jun 6 17:18:03 UTC 2005

man, 06,.06.2005 kl. 09.37 -0700, skrev Chris Brown:
> Anyone know of a pcmcia firewire card that works well with Ubuntu and  
> IBM ThinkPad hardware?

Isn't there a ieee1394 standard that makes most card work? Don't think
it is more than one kernel module for ieee1394-controllers: ohci1394. I
tried with one no-brand ieee pcmcia / pc-card once, and the driver
loaded. I did not get it to work but I belive it was because of the
other controller which is built in on my laptop. A interupt problem or
something. I will try to boot up the Hoary live on a another computer,
which does not got a internal ieee1394-controller. I'll send you the
result on this list. I'm not sure when I got time, though:-)


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