Please help me:
Michael R Head
burner at
Sat Jun 4 07:27:05 UTC 2005
On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 07:56 +0200, Gábor Iglói wrote:
> I've experienced with vmware and executed the "sudo usermod -G disk
> gabor" command to add my default user to the disk group (for allowing
> gabor to direct access disk drives). One thing is that this didn't
> work but unfortunately I have managed to mess up gabor's ability to
> use the sudo method. After that every sudo attemp with this user gives
> me the following error:
> gabor is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
> (fortunately I have noticed the sudo problem in time and managed to
> activate my root account temporarily)
thank goodness!
> Anybody can help me regain the sudo ability?
Log in as root. Then do this:
# adduser gabor admin
This is the 'proper' way (from the commandline) to add a user to a
group, so in the future, if you add a new account (joe) and want it to
have access to the disk, just do "sudo adduser joe disk".
Hope that helps,
> Thanks...
Michael R Head <burner at>
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