Boot without Gnome

Adwait Gupte adwait at
Fri Jun 3 17:00:35 UTC 2005

Not sure I am completely understanding what you want to do.but if you 
just want a terminal, and that's it ,why not change the default run 
level to 3 from the current 5. You can do this by just adding the number 
3 to the end of the line, in editing the grub parameters (press e or 
something at the grub screen.). If you don't have dual boot, I am not 
sure how you do this.......

Adwait (BTW: Hi ppl......fist post here, new Ubuntu user, converted from 

ubuntu-users-request at wrote:

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>Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: SSH and GPG Keys (Michael R Head)
>   2. Re: ATi graphics cards (Oliver Grawert)
>   3. Boot without Gnome (Jeff Boschee)
>   4. Re: OpenOffice printer install (Jarz Corp)
>   5. Re: Boot without Gnome (Stephen R Laniel)
>   6. Re: Boot without Gnome (Michael Beattie)
>   7. Re: Boot without Gnome (Stephen R Laniel)
>   8. Re: No sound in TV Time (Rainer Gutkas)
>   9. Re: ATi graphics cards (Vincent Trouilliez)
>  10. Re: turn off animation during minimize (Vincent Trouilliez)
>  11. Re: FreeNX (Leif)
>  12. Re: apache2 (dave walker)
>Message: 1
>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 13:04:21 -0400
>From: Michael R Head <burner at>
>Subject: Re: SSH and GPG Keys
>To: ubuntu-users at
>Message-ID: <1117645462.9085.8.camel at localhost.localdomain>
>Content-Type: text/plain
>On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 16:41 +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
>>It would be much better to figure out how to sign all of these keys with
>>a single master key kept in a secure location and used for nothing else,
>>than to attempt to unify them into a single key. Producing such
>>signatures would be a matter of elementary cryptography, although there
>>may not be formatting standards for expressing them and passing them
>Something like this is done on computing Grids all the time. In order to
>pass a user's identity from machine to machine, process to process,
>without requiring constant chatter between endpoints and the user's
>process, a chain of proxy SSL certificates is created. It's described in
>a proposes extension to SSL (IIRC).
>A common thing for a Grid user to do "in the morning" is to run
>grid-proxy-init, and then fire off some programs using that proxy.
>>Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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