yahoo pop service for evolution

Michael R Head burner at
Thu Jun 2 20:27:03 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 15:18 -0500, Charles Malespin wrote:
> > Server Type: Standard Unix mbox spool or directory
> > Path: /var/mail/burner

I should have mentioned that this should be 
/var/mail/<your ubuntu username>

> Sorry for the bombing of questions....  Ok, I set up the evolution
> account the way you said, and I ran fetchyahoo through a terminal, and I
> noticed that on gkrellm my number of inbox emails was going up and up as
> fetchyahoo checked my inbox( I still dont know how or where to check the
> gkrellm inbox btw) but nothing was coming in evolution...  Did I miss
> something or was I supposed to do something else? Thank you so much, and
> again sorry to be such a bother!

mutt is always a good program to use to see if you're getting your local

Michael R Head <burner at>
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