Screensavers Not Working

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Wed Jun 1 12:33:01 UTC 2005

On Tue, 31 May 2005 12:56:38 -0400
Andy Choens <gunksta at> wrote:

> This is interesting.  I noticed the same thing, and I also noticed on
> mine that the category that was most affected were the OpenGL
> screensavers.  Does anyone know what KDE package has the screensavers
> in them?  We could look at the dependancy list and see if it's
> symlinking to a non-existent version of libXmu, and we might be able
> to temporarily fix this with a symlink.  But, I don't know which
> package this would be.
> --andy

Are we sure that 3d acceleration is enabled on our video cards?
I know the OpenGL savers die whenever I upgrade to a new kernel until I
re-install the nVidia driver.

Cybe R. Wizard
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A: Apart from the fact that viruses are supported by their authors, 
use optimized, small code and usually perform well, none.

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