LimeWire hangs my Ubunutu

Darryl Clarke smartssa at
Sat Jul 30 16:31:51 UTC 2005

On 7/30/05, Osama I. Dosary <oid at> wrote:
> I notice that the used Swap is ZERO. How can that be, when the Java
> process is using 341MB of Virtual memory, with only 19MB resedent
> memory. VIRT = SWAP + RES (from 'top' man-page), which means that 322MB
> of swap must be used, so why isn't 'top' showing the swapping. ... I'm
> confused. And is this related to the hangs?
> Does anyone have any ideas about what is going on, or how I can fix it?

I don't use limewire, so I can't really help you on that issue,
however, linux won't swap until it has to.  You have plenty of ram
(and plenty still free) -  It will swap when it runs out of physical
RAM, of which upto how much VIRT indicated could be used as swap by
that application.

Linux memory managment is usually pretty good, but sometimes pretty confusing.
~ Darryl  ~ smartssa at /

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