
zer0halo zerohalo at
Fri Jul 29 16:15:28 UTC 2005

On 7/28/05, Brian Walker <bfwalker at> wrote:
> On 7/29/05, Rajiv Vyas <rajiv1 at> wrote:
> > How do I upgrade to OO2?
> > 
> > rajiv
>  IIRC, using synaptic and searching for openoffice, you find the OO2 version
> available as packages. 

The OO2 version available in the Ubuntu universe (via synaptic) is an
older beta that has a fair few bugs in it. I'd suggest you install the
latest beta version instead. You can download the RPMs from
OpenOffice.Org, and then convert them to DEBs with alien, and then
install. There's a script that does it all for you, and installs the
application menu entries, which you can find here:

Read this post here for the instructions:

However, the script has been since modified because OO changed their
naming convention. So get the updated script here:

You'll need the menu icons, which you can get from here:

That should save you from having to read the 200+ posts in that forum :-)

"Impossible is nothing."

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