[Hoary] Unable to edit menu after upgrade from Warty

Michael Wardle michael at endbracket.net
Fri Jul 29 13:27:44 UTC 2005

> I recently upgraded Warty to Hoary, and it was well worth it, but I
> don't have the option of editting the menus or adding properties when
> right clicking anymore.

I don't think menu editing was supported for a range of GNOME Desktop
releases (something like 2.8 and 2.10).  I don't even remember it being
in Warty, but that was a while ago now.

The latest GNOME in Breezy has it.  I'm not sure whether it's now
standard or whether it's because I installed the "smeg" package.  It's
also listed in the BreezyGoals Wiki.

If you want a quick answer, I'd look for a backport of smeg from Breezy
to Hoary.

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