Can't kill rhythmbox

Levander levander at
Fri Jul 29 09:05:15 UTC 2005

Senectus . wrote:

>On 7/29/05, John Nilsson <john at> wrote:
>>On fre, 2005-07-29 at 10:34 +0800, Senectus . wrote:
>>>I have two processes that wont die..
>>>senectus   23916  0.2  2.1  63380 11176 ?        D    10:16   0:00 rhythmbox
>>>senectus   23933  0.3  2.1  63380 11176 ?        D    10:18   0:00 rhythmbox
>>>I've tried killall -9 rhythmbox
>>>and with the PID's as well.. they don't do anything.. no error, no
>>>confirmation... nothing.
>>>Any idea's on how to kill them?
>>kill their parent?
>How do you tell what their parent is?
The output of 'ps -ef' has the uid as the the pid as the second column, 
and the *ppid (the parent process id) as the third column.


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