Help: users cannot use alsa driver

Gunnar Salbeck Gunnar.Salbeck at
Thu Jul 28 11:53:54 UTC 2005

Am Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2005 13:39 schrieb Ankur Jain:
> Hi,
> I installed alsa on Ubuntu Hoary, but I cannot play any sound file.
> Whenever I p lay any sound file using mplayer, it gives the following
> error:
> alsa-init: No soundcard found: Success
> But on the other hand root can play any files perfectly without any errors.
> I tried using oss mixer as well, but it says access /dev/dsp is denied±.
> Could someone help??


hmm..i think you can`t read /dev/dsp.

"chmod 666 /dev/dsp" should solve your problem.
          Gunnar Salbeck
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