installing skype

Gunnar Salbeck Gunnar.Salbeck at
Thu Jul 28 11:33:11 UTC 2005

Am Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2005 11:59 schrieb Renato Henriques:
> I keep having my troubles to install skype. Once the whole package is
> expanded I double click on the install shield and a box opens up with the
> chances of either opening up the terminal or to execute directly. The
> comand line informs me where the libraries will be installed. Everything
> executes in a flash but never skype on site.  What the heck am I doing. 
> Well, I'm a newby but not a quiter.
> Is there a time table for skype to be included in the synaptic
> repositories?

Hello Renato,

go to the debian package,
..and rename the package to getskype-linux.deb :-)
...then install  it with dpkg -i or, like i do, with kpackage.
          Gunnar Salbeck
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