Screen resolution

Darryl Clarke smartssa at
Thu Jul 28 04:17:59 UTC 2005

On 7/27/05, Rajiv Vyas <rajiv1 at> wrote:
> My screen resolution on the laptop is very low -- 640*480. What's the way to
> get it higher? The drop down box does not give me any option.

Chances are if it's set to that low, you have a fairly old laptop and
the configurator couldn't use hardware magic to auto-detect a good
resolution. Is that correct?

The best way to get it working is to google for the model of the
laptop and 'X86Free configuration'  (it translates easily to Xorg

If you let the list know the model, we might be able to help a bit more.

~ Darryl  ~ smartssa at /

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