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squareyes squareyes at
Thu Jul 28 00:32:05 UTC 2005

Paul Sladen wrote:

>On Thu, 28 Jul 2005, squareyes wrote:
>Hello Winton,
>>squareyes at here:~$ ls -l dev/lp0
>>ls: dev/lp0: No such file or directory
>A filename that does not start with a '/' slash is relative to the current
>position in the filesytem;  so
>  ls -l dev/lp0
>is actually looking for:
>  /home/squareyes/dev/lp0
>which is very unlikely to exit.  Do you get a different result if you try:
>  ls -l /dev/lp0
>	-Paul
Hi Paul,
sure do, it's there OK  sorry my boo boo,

squareyes at here:/dev$ ls /dev/lp0
squareyes at here:/dev$

Thanks should be more exacting :-)

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