Cursor Changing

Magnus Therning magnus at
Wed Jul 27 22:06:04 UTC 2005

On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 04:20:23PM +0200, David Jacobs wrote:
>2005/7/27, Arjan Geven <arjangeven at>:
>> On 7/27/05, Michael Wardle <michael at> wrote:
>> > Is it the drag and drop icon?
>> I guess that's the icon that was ment.
>> I also hate this icon. It usually doesn't do anything except being
>> annoying. If a place does not 'afford' pasting, the icon should show
>> it. Right now, it always look like something is going to happen when
>> you release the mouse button, but very often it just doesn't do
>> anything. Very annoying behaviour.
>It is indeed annoying. It looks like the treshold that triggers the
>"drag'n'drop-mode" (if I can call it like that) is too sensitive. It
>would be nice to be able to adjust this.

The gconf setting /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/drag_threshold might
be interesting to check out.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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