
Daniel Gimpelevich daniel at
Wed Jul 27 17:24:06 UTC 2005

Hold down the Option key when you boot. When you get to Linux, open a root
terminal and type "ybin -v" to change the default back to the "startup
manager" as you call it.

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 14:33:31 -0300, Renato Henriques wrote:

> Once I read not to assign a startup disk on mac os x, otherwise linux would not start up with the startup manager, with the chance of pressing either L, X, or C. If that happens how can I regain the start up manager on linux?
> Yesterday I had to reinstall Mac os 9 and when it had to reboot did it on os 9 by default.
> Is there a command for it?
> Renato Henriquesrepehe at yahoo.comaim:renatoaimmsn:renato4010591 at
> ---------------------------------
> Yahoo! Acesso Grátis: Internet rápida e grátis. Instale o discador agora!<DIV>Once I read not to assign a startup disk on mac os x, otherwise linux would not start up with the startup manager, with the chance of pressing either L, X, or C. If that happens how can I regain the start up manager on linux?</DIV>
> <DIV> </DIV>
> <DIV>Yesterday I had to reinstall Mac os 9 and when it had to reboot did it on os 9 by default.</DIV>
> <DIV> </DIV>
> <DIV>Is there a command for it?</DIV><BR><BR>Renato Henriques
> repehe at
> aim:renatoaim
> msn:renato4010591 at<p>
> 		<hr size=1><a href="*">Yahoo! Acesso Grátis</a>: Internet rápida e grátis. <a href="*">Instale o discador agora!</a>

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