Kernel 2.6.12, suspend and hotplug

Marius Gedminas marius at
Wed Jul 27 12:29:04 UTC 2005

On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 09:42:42PM +0200, Joan Tur wrote:
> Es Dimarts, 26 de Juliol de 2005 12:41, en Marius Gedminas va escriure:
> | On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 04:00:22PM +0300, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> | > I installed linux-image-2.4.16-3-686 from Breezy on my Hoary laptop.
> | > Since them I'm happy to report that the keyboard doesn't wedge up if I
> | > press a key while the laptop is not fully resumed.  However, another
> | > problem replaced it: hotplug stops working after a suspend.  This means
> | > no USB devices until I manually run /etc/init.d/hotplug restart.
> |
> | Apparently after two suspends my wireless (ipw2200) dies.  The device
> | exists, and it shows a very good connection (quality over 80%), but
> | dhclient is unable to get a lease.  If I rmmod ipw2200 and then modprobe
> | ipw2200, modprobe fails.
> Same here; I'm using 2.6.12-cko2 kernel & 1.0.5 ipw2200 driver (1.0.6 compiles 
> and loads, but doesn't work for me)...  8-?
> | I'm back to 2.6.10-5-686 from Hoary.
> Does the version you can find in Hoary's 2.6.10 solve your problem?

It solves a few problems (ipw2200 works; suspend works) but has other
problems (keyboard may go completely crazy if I press a key too early
during resume).

> If so, 
> what version is it?  8-?

I assume you are interested in the ipw2200 driver.  I use version 1.0.2
that I compiled myself, because the one that comes in Hoary (0.19)
doesn't support WPA.  I once tried upgrading to 1.0.4 but that one
didn't work reliably for some obscure reason -- although my coworker
uses 1.0.4 just fine with the same hardware.

Marius Gedminas
"While preceding your entrance with a grenade is a good tactic in
Quake, it can lead to problems if attempted at work." -- C Hacking
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