Announcing: Backports Official!

Shot - Piotr Szotkowski shot at
Wed Jul 27 06:46:26 UTC 2005


Martin Meredith:

> You may, if you want remove the old backports repositories
> from your list, and this won't cause any harm.

Will official hoary-backports be synchronised with Ubuntu Backports
Project's hoary-backports at some point in time? Currently there are
still packages that are in UBP's hoary-backports but not (yet?) in
official hoary-backports; examples: libwine, pymusique, leafpad,

Note: pymusique and unrar are not even in Breezy, so
my guess is they'll rather move to hoary-extras, right?

-- Shot
 This host is a black hole at HTTP wavelengths. GETs go in, and nothing comes
 out, not even Hawking radiation.          -- Graaagh the Mighty, rgr.angband
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