newbie - problems with the setup

Matthew S-H mathbymath at
Mon Jul 25 22:02:46 UTC 2005

On Jul 25, 2005, at 5:35 PM, Ioana wrote:

> I'm a newbie and I've got a problem booting from the Ubuntu cd b/c  
> it doesn't recognize my dvd unit (it says it may be a very old cd- 
> rom unit, instead it's a quite new dvd). How can I install Ubuntu,  
> either forcing it to accept the dvd (drivers?) or making it skip  
> this step?
> Please help me!

I'm not too experienced with this yet, but it'd help if you answered  
a few question:
1)    What kind of computer do you have (processor)?
2)    What is the name of your DVD drive?
3)    Do you have a second cd/dvd drive?
4)    At what step does the error happen?  Also, include the EXACT  
error message.

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