Oldworld-Mac:Howto copy the kernel to an hfs partition during istallation?

Rainer Gutkas Rainer.Gutkas at kstp.at
Mon Jul 25 16:49:45 UTC 2005

albi at scii.nl schrieb:

>On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 18:13:05 +0200
>Rainer Gutkas <Rainer.Gutkas at kstp.at> wrote:
>>The problem is that I try to set up Ubuntu-Warty as server OS on my G3
>> Powerbook Wallstreet, which is old-world. So I got the 
>>installation-kernel, but don't know how to get the kernel warty 
>>installed onto the hfs partition with bootx on it.
>i assume here that you installed ubuntu successfully but it gives you a
>boot-up prob.
>>So my first attempt was to boot from an startup disk, which failed of 
>>the same cause.
>fast&dirty solution :
>download a kernel somewhere from the net within MacOS, then boot with
>bootX into your installed ubuntu and from there mount your
>MacOS-partition and copy the ubuntu-kernel there
Wow cool, I could have thoght of that, I did exactly this with bootx,....
So actually I got no running warty-PPC round, but that can be done in no 

Thanks a lot!

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