[Hoary] Centos NIS server, Hoary NIS client, groups don't match

P Jones deerfieldtech at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 00:01:27 UTC 2005

Hi all;

I have a small network for which I use Centos 4.1 as my file server,
proxy, firewall, and NIS server, and then my workstations are using
Hoary. The problem is that groups on the server and groups on the
client are different. Not groups I've created myself, but groups below
GUID 100. For example the audio group on Hoary doesn't exist on
Centos, and therefore when I log into Hoary, I don't have access to
audio (or cdrom, or scanner, or any of the other Ubuntu/Debian groups
that don't exist on Centos/Redhat/Fedora). Furthermore, I can't give
sudo access from the server to clients.

I saw a thread in the Ubuntu Forums that made some adjustments to some
pam configuration files, and that works to a degree (haven't played
around with it much yet), but I'm wondering if there is a solution to
my problem. The whole point of me setting up NIS is to NOT have to set
up user accounts on every workstation, and to be able to manage access
from the server.

Any ideas?



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