Problems with recent Firefox security update

Matthias Heiler heiler at
Sat Jul 23 12:17:32 UTC 2005

Dennis Kaarsemaker <dennis at> writes:

> On vr, 2005-07-22 at 16:45 -0500, Gaea Walters wrote:
> > Having said all that . . . as a work-around for the current issues,
> > you really can't beat installing the version of Firefox available from
> > Mozilla.
> Pointless argument, extensions will still fail with a vanilla 1.0.6

Maybe another alternative: I'm using konqueror from kubuntu.  It's a
very decent browser that on average crashes a bit more often than a
healthy firefox.  With firefox being broken this statistics is

I don't expect konqueror to be inherently more secure than firefox or
mozilla are.  But because much less people are using it there probably
are no exploits out there.


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