Synaptic. Installed (local or obsolete)

Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) y.lesaint at
Fri Jul 22 23:02:39 UTC 2005

On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 23:01:12 +0200
Guido Heumann <listguido at> wrote:
> I know, I tried debfoster already. It's useful, but I find it behaves 
> less intelligent than aptitude. At least for my purpose, which usually
> is trying out some new packages and then remove the ones I don't like,
> together with their dependencies. With aptitude (and "apt-cache
> search"  in a second terminal) this works best in my experience.

  Of course, using aptitude is better for that. Just pointing out to the
original poster than those of us who want that feature but cannot stand
aptitude's horrible (in my opinion) user interface and prefer apt-get or
synaptic instead can use debfoster as a patch (read external
tool) to handle (remove) orphaned packages and keep the system clean.

  As always, there's more than one way to do it, and each one of us
chooses the path that best suits one's needs :)
  /me loves having a choice and open source.

  Cheers ;)

Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) <y.lesaint at>
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