accessing my ubuntu computer remotely from a Windows PC

Carl Karsten carl at
Fri Jul 22 17:56:32 UTC 2005

Jeff Co wrote:
> I'm looking for a no-cost easy-to-do way to be able to access my Ubuntu 
> PC remotely. The other computer will be running Windows OS. I believe 
> it's Windows XP. But just in case, I'd like to have a software that can 
> work on a a version of Windows older than XP (for example: Win 98)
> I'd like to access my files on my Ubuntu PC. Stuff like my pictures, and 
> maybe some text documents that I've saved. I want to be able to retrieve 
> them, and also have the ability to do things as though I were sitting 
> right in front of my Ubuntu PC. For example,  saving new files on my 
> Ubuntu PC. Deleting stuff (in my home directory)
> I want something that is secure. Something that only I, with some sort 
> of password, can access, and that nobody else on the internet can access.
> What must I do to my (Ubuntu) computer before I leave it? (What's the 
> terminology for this computer?)
> What must I do to the _other_ computer, the computer on the other end? 
> (What's the terminology for this computer on the other end?)
> Is there anything I must avoid doing to avoid getting the remote 
> connection permanently cut? When I say  "permanent connection", I mean 
> that the remote-control ability an only be fixed if I go back  in person 
> to the Ubuntu PC.

VNC is one way, but I would think that X over SSH would be "better" - but I have 
to admit I have never compared the 2 side by side - just use both, and seem to 
prefer X over VNC. for the Windows side, you will need an X-server - on 
cygwin is what I use.

But if all you want is to have access to your pictures, I would setup apache and 
something like or maybe an ftp server, but last I 
checked they weren't secure (but that may have changed - I am not current on ftp 

^Carl K

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